Real world case studies
Case studies of live test sites and installations demonstrate effective disinfection in low clarity liquids.
Supercritical UV™ Disinfection of Viruses in Wastewater
Viruses in wastewater can pose significant risks to human health if not appropriately treated before being released into the environment. The effectiveness of a UV disinfection system to deactivate a virus depends on the virus type.
Supercritical UV™ Disinfection System Effectively Disinfects Primary Treated Meat Plant Effluent
A large meat processing plant in the South Island of New Zealand are investigating UV disinfection options for their wastewater treatment...
Side by Side Comparison with Conventional UV
Novolabs™ Supercritical UV™ system was tested side by side with the existing submerged channel UV system which had been supplied by one of the world’s largest UV companies.
Supercritical UV™ Disinfection System is Highly Effective on Waste Stabilisation Pond Effluent
Waste stabilisation ponds are used in tens of thousands of applications around the globe. But while ponds continue to offer many advantages there is increasing need to upgrade treatment performance.
Disinfected Industrial Pond E.coli levels lower than found in the local river!
UVT is a measure of how much UV light can pass through a liquid. A UVT of 100% means all the UV light can pass through the liquid, whereas a UVT of 0% is opaque not allowing any light through.
Supercritical UV™ Disinfection System chosen for Meat Plant Effluent
Typical of meat works effluent, the UV transmittance (UVT) was extremely low. Even with chemical pre-treatment, the maximum UVT recorded during the 2-week test period was only 0.3%
Discover The Future
Novolabs™ Supercritical UV™ disinfection system — UV treatment for Low Clarity Liquids