Supercritical UV™ Disinfection System Effectively Disinfects Primary Treated Meat Plant Effluent

A large meat processing plant in the South Island of New Zealand are investigating UV disinfection options for their wastewater treatment to achieve an E. coli consent requirement of median <1,000 cfu/100mL and 95th percentile <10,000 cfu/100mL.

NovoLabs™ Supercritical UV™ disinfection system mobile test unit was set up at the site to analyse the treatment efficiency of the disinfection technology at the end of their existing primary Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) treatment system.

A typical DAF treatment system

The inlet conditions (i.e., before UV) of the combined flow from two DAF streams averaged a UV Transmittance (UVT) of 11.6%, and a TSS of 50 g/m³.

The inlet E. coli concentration averaged 6.9 million cfu/100mL with a median of 1.2 million cfu/100mL. The highest recorded E. coli concentration was 23 million cfu/100mL.

NovoLabs™ Supercritical UV™ disinfection system has two power settings, standard-power and high-power. Thirty-eight individual tests were conducted to analyse the treatment performance of the Supercritical UV™ disinfection system.

The E. coli after treatment using the standard-power setting was reduced to 410 cfu/100mL on average.

Using the high-power setting, the E. coli was reduced to an average of just 55 cfu/100mL!

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Novolabs™ Supercritical UV™ disinfection system — UV treatment for Low Clarity Liquids