Supercritical UV™ Disinfection System chosen for Meat Plant Effluent

Maximum UVT recorded was 0.3%

A meat plant currently utilises chemically-assisted dissolved air flotation to remove suspended solids from their wastewater before discharging into the council trade waste scheme. A new trade waste bylaw in the region requires that the facility reduce their enterococci concentration to below 800 MPN/100mL. As such, the meat works began investigating treatment upgrades and NovoLabs™ was commissioned to demonstrate its Supercritical UV™ disinfection system.

Typical of meat works effluent, the UV transmittance (UVT) was extremely low. Even with chemical pre-treatment, the maximum UVT recorded during the 2-week test period was only 0.3%, massively below what is normally considered feasible for conventional submerged lamp UV systems.

Figure 1: Enterococci removal using NovoLabs™ Supercritical UV™ disinfection system running after DAF treatment system when the solids concentration was maintained at levels required by the consent.

A positive result

Figure 1 shows the effectiveness of Supercritical UV™ disinfection when the solids concentration was maintained at levels required by the consent. The NovoLabs™ Supercritical UV™ disinfection system reduced the enterococci concentration to well below the required 800 MPN/100mL.

Aside from the system’s exceptional performance in very low UVT’s, important other stand-out operational and safety features discussed with the company included: parallel processing; auto lamp-outage detection and module changeover; and the ‘no drip, no mess’ slide out modules with flip-up lids for easy and safe operator access.

As a result, the customer made the decision to procure a NovoLabs™ containerised Supercritical UV™ disinfection system as an adjunct to their total treatment plant upgrade.

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Novolabs™ Supercritical UV™ disinfection system — UV treatment for Low Clarity Liquids